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Het litteken van de dood : de biografie van Jan Wolkers
'The scar of death. The biography of Jan Wolkers' contains the rebellious life story of Jan Wolkers (1925-2007), one of the most famous, loved ánd controversial writers and artists (also a painter and sculptor) of the Low Countries. Wolkers was obsessed with love and death, also the two most important themes of his work. No one stayed closer to the truth than I, stated Wolkers. His work and art' the biographer concludes, 'are one.'
- All authors
- Blom, O.P.
- Supervisor
- Otterspeer, W.
- Co-supervisor
- Dijk, Y. van
- Committee
- Willems, W.; Snoek, C.; Kempen, M.H.G. van; Honings, R.A.M.; Bel, J.
- Qualification
- Doctor (dr.)
- Awarding Institution
- Centre for the Arts in Society, Humanities, Leiden University
- Date
- 2017-10-19
- Publisher
- Amsterdam / Antwerpen: De Bezige Bij
- ISBN (print)
- 9789023454588
- Sponsorship
- Huygens ING voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis; Fonds voor de Letteren; Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds; Fonds 21; Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten; Jaap Hartenfonds; Schrijversvereniging De Bezige Bij; Stichting 'de Gijselaar-Hintzenfonds' Stichting Sanssoucis