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Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Collections
- ASCL Publications
- Acta Politica
- Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia
- Arabian Epigraphic Notes
- Arts in Society, Academic Rhapsodies
- Bestuurskundige Berichten
- BW-krant Jaarboek (BWKJ)
- Inter-Section
- ISSA 2023 Proceedings
- LUCAS Graduate Journal
- Issue 1 (2013) Imagining Europe: Modern Perspectives, Perceptions and Representations
- Issue 2 (2014) Death: Ritual, Representation and Remembrance
- Issue 3 (2015) Death: Absence, Anxiety, and Aesthetics
- Issue 4 (2016) Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
- Issue 5 (2017) Breaking the Rules: Artistic Expressions of Transgression
- Issue 6 (2018) Landscape in Perspective: Representing, Constructing, and Questioning Identities
- Issue 7 (2019) Landscape in Perspective: Projections and Transformations
- Issue 8 (2020) Animals (Un)tamed: Human-Animal Encounters in Science, Art, and Literature
- Leiden Children’s Rights Observatory Papers
- Leiden Elective Academic Periodical
- Leidschrift
- Libri amicorum
- NVIC Working Papers
- Omslag
- STI 2018 Conference proceedings
- TXT Yearbook
- The Koopmans Collection
- Van Schools tot Scriptie
Articles in Leidschrift, the academic historical journal of the Stichting Leidschrift. The editorial board consists of students and an academic staff member of the Institute of History at Leiden University.
ISSN: 0923-9146
Timespan: 1984 – 2015
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Dissel, Anita M.C. van