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Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Collections
- ASCL Publications
- Acta Politica
- Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia
- Arabian Epigraphic Notes
- Arts in Society, Academic Rhapsodies
- Bestuurskundige Berichten
- BW-krant Jaarboek (BWKJ)
- Inter-Section
- ISSA 2023 Proceedings
- LUCAS Graduate Journal
- Issue 1 (2013) Imagining Europe: Modern Perspectives, Perceptions and Representations
- Issue 2 (2014) Death: Ritual, Representation and Remembrance
- Issue 3 (2015) Death: Absence, Anxiety, and Aesthetics
- Issue 4 (2016) Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
- Issue 5 (2017) Breaking the Rules: Artistic Expressions of Transgression
- Issue 6 (2018) Landscape in Perspective: Representing, Constructing, and Questioning Identities
- Issue 7 (2019) Landscape in Perspective: Projections and Transformations
- Issue 8 (2020) Animals (Un)tamed: Human-Animal Encounters in Science, Art, and Literature
- Leiden Children’s Rights Observatory Papers
- Leiden Elective Academic Periodical
- Leidschrift
- Libri amicorum
- NVIC Working Papers
- Omslag
- STI 2018 Conference proceedings
- TXT Yearbook
- The Koopmans Collection
- Van Schools tot Scriptie

Arabian Epigraphic Notes
"Volumes and issues of Arabian Epigraphic Notes, the journal of the Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia.
ISSN: 2451-8875
Timespan: 2015 –
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Shaddel, Mehdy
Macdonald, Michael C.A.