Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Does size matter?
Audiovisual translation and media accessibility training in the EMT network
Comparing descriptive statistics for retrospective studies from one-per-minute and one-per-second data
Frameless neuronavigation with computer vision and real-time tracking for bedside external ventricular drain placement
Video-based reflection on neonatal interventions during COVID-19 using eye-tracking glasses: an observational study
Historical futures
Technology and Democracy: Understanding the influence of online technologies on political behaviour and decision-making.
(Re)constructing crafting communities in the Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras
Understanding preservation and identification biases of ancient adhesives through experimentation
Effects of technology use on ageing in place
How Asia Confronts COVID-19 through Technology
Technology-driven research for radiotherapy innovation
The technological utopia
3D-reproducties: het kunsthistorisch succes van de toekomst?
Human cadavers to evaluate prototypes of minimally invasive surgical instruments: A feasibility study
Improving Neonatal Care with Technology
Technology spillovers: Kenya and Malaysia compared
Frugal innovation and development: aides or adversaries?
User preferences and usability of iVitality: optimizing an innovative online research platform for home-based health monitoring
Technische hulpmiddelen en doelwitselectie bij woninginbraak: een experimenteel onderzoek naar het gebruik van Google Maps en Google Street View
Kfaang and its technologies: towards a social history of mobility in Kom, Cameroon, 1928-1998