Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Tramadol/paracetamol treatment attenuates the development of collagen antibody-induced arthritis and interferes with prednisolone treatment in mice
Chemically enhanced immunogenicity of bacteria by supramolecular functionalization with an adjuvant
Complement Is activated during normothermic machine perfusion of porcine and human discarded kidneys
HLA molecules in transplantation, autoimmunity and infection control: A comic book adventure
Blood eosinophils, fractional exhaled nitric oxide and the risk of asthma attacks in randomised controlled trials: protocol for a systemic review and control arm patient-level meta-analysis for clinical prediction modelling
Risk factors for RhD immunisation in a high coverage prevention programme of antenatal and postnatal RhIg
Perspective on COVID-19 vaccination in patients with immune-mediated kidney diseases: consensus statements from the ERA-IWG and EUVAS
Advances in the management of glioblastoma
COVID-19 and immunosuppression: a review of current clinical experiences and implications for ophthalmology patients taking immunosuppressive drugs
A randomised, open-label trial to assess the optimal treatment strategy in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis
HDAC inhibition increases HLA class I expression in uveal melanoma
The role of macrophages in oocyte donation pregnancy: a systematic review
Phase I/II study protocol to assess safety and efficacy of adoptive cell therapy with anti-PD-1 plus low-dose pegylated-interferon-alpha in patients with metastatic melanoma refractory to standard of care treatments: the ACTME trial
Low-dose interferon-alpha preconditioning and adoptive cell therapy in patients with metastatic melanoma refractory to standard (immune) therapies
Soluble HLA-G levels in seminal plasma are associated with HLA-G 3 ' UTR genotypes and haplotypes
A paired kidney analysis on the impact of pre-transplant anti-HLA antibodies on graft survival
Bone Marrow Mast Cell Antibody-Targetable Cell Surface Protein Expression Profiles in Systemic Mastocytosis
A High-throughput Assay to Assess and Quantify Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation
The immune microenvironment in vulvar (pre)cancer: review of literature and implications for immunotherapy
Development and Evaluation of a Broad Bead-Based Multiplex Immunoassay To Measure IgG Seroreactivity against Human Polyomaviruses
Endocytosed soluble cowpox virus protein CPXV012 inhibits antigen cross-presentation in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Targeting CD40-Induced TRAF6 Signaling in Macrophages Reduces Atherosclerosis
Glycosylation pattern of anti-platelet IgG is stable during pregnancy and predicts clinical outcome in alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus reduces atherosclerosis by inducing anti-inflammatory macrophages
