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Molecular gas in z ~ 6 quasar host galaxies
Ram pressure candidates in UNIONS
Equivalent widths of Lyman α emitters in MUSE-Wide and MUSE-Deep
The MUSE eXtremely Deep Field: Individual detections of Ly alpha haloes around rest-frame UV-selected galaxies at z ≃ 2.9-4.4
Seeing the forest and the trees
The warm-hot circumgalactic medium around EAGLE-simulation galaxies and its detection prospects with X-ray-line emission
Galaxy cluster photons alter the ionization state of the nearby warm-hot intergalactic medium
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA)
A LOFAR view into the stormy environment of the galaxy cluster 2A0335+096
The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS).
Using the polarization properties of double radio relics to probe the turbulent compression scenario
Measuring cavity powers of active galactic nuclei in clusters using a hybrid X-ray-radio method.
The MOSDEF survey
The MOSDEF-LRIS survey
Reconciling the results of the z ~ 2 MOSDEF and KBSS-MOSFIRE Surveys
The synchrony of production and escape
Cosmic evolution of low-excitation radio galaxies in the LOFAR two-metre sky survey deep fields
(Re)Solving reionization with Ly-α
The MOSDEF survey
IGM damping wing constraints on reionization from covariance reconstruction of two z >= 7 QSOs
The relation between accretion rate and jet power in early-type galaxies with thermally unstable hot atmospheres
Star formation and AGN feedback in the local Universe
Chemical abundance of z ~ 6 quasar broad-line regions in the XQR-30 sample
Paving the way for Euclid and JWST via probabilistic selection of high-redshift quasars
