Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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European memoirs and colonialism in Equatorial Africa: reflections on the reminiscences of Alfons Vermeulen (1877-1965)
From impropriety to betrayal: policing non-marital sex in the Early Modern Dutch empire
Life beyond the City: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on Colonial Andean Mobility
The interface of modern partisan politics and community conflicts in Africa: the case of Northern Ghana conflicts
Resituating Modern Japan in Empire, Fascism, and Defeat: A Review Essay
The diaries of Barthélémy Boganda, priest and politician in French Equatorial Africa (1910-1959)
Gyama Bugibugi (German gunpowder) : a history of German presence in Nawuriland, Ghana
Arts of Contradiction: Gaganendranath Tagore and the Caricatural Aesthetic of Colonial India
Monument of nature? : an ethnography of the World Heritage of Mt. Kenya
'More than just an object': a material analysis of the return and retention of Namibian skulls from Germany
Researching and writing in the twilight of an imagined conquest: anthropology in Northern Rhodesia 1930-1960
Learning to wage and win wars in Africa: a provisional history of German military activity in Congo, Tanzania, China and Namibia
Van Mossi tot Zwarte Hollander: Afrikanen in het Nederlands-Indisch Leger
The tricontinental voyage of Negro Corporal Manus Ulzen (1812-1887) from Elmina
West Africans in the Dutch colonial army
"The angel of death has descended violently among them": concentration camps and prisoners-of-war in Namibia, 1904-08
From Tamanrasset: the struggle of Sawaba and the Algerian connection, 1957-1966
Ovita ovia Zürn - "Zürn's Krieg"
Imperial Germany and the Herero of Southern Africa: genocide and the quest of recompense
Ambiguities of resistance and collaboration on the Eastern Cape frontier: the Kat River settlement 1829-1856
Herero genocide in the twentieth century: politics and memory
The Herero genocide: German unity, settlers, soldiers, and ideas
Review of Hellberg C.-J.: 'Mission colonialism and liberation: the Lutheran Church in Namibia 1840-1966'
