Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Dealing with uncertainty in cyberspace
On Bitcoin: a study in applied metaphysics
Trust, but verify? Understanding citizen attitudes toward evidence-informed policy making
Learning together
The rationale of publicity in the law of corporeal movables and claims
Connecting minds and sharing emotions through human mimicry
Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer
Trust in the Catholic Reformation. Genoa, 1594-1664
Tailoring the amount of treatment information to cancer patients' and survivors' preferences: Effects on patient-reported outcomes
Terroristische dreiging in Nederland: De risicoperceptie en de mogelijkheden voor risicocommunicatie
Pupil mimicry and trust - implication for depression
The effects of Cognitive Bias Modification training and oxytocin administration on trust in maternal support: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Trust maintenance as a function of construal level and attributions: The case of apologies
Development and validation of an abbreviated version of the Trust in Oncologist Scale-the Trust in Oncologist Scale-short form (TiOS-SF)
Trust and mission. Seventeenth century Lazarist missionaries in North Africa
Morele democratisering van publieke debatten over nieuwe technologie
The neurocognitive development of social decision-making
Origins and consequences of public trust : towards an understanding of public acceptance of carbon dioxide capture and storage
Technology, trust, and religion : roles of religions in controversies on ecology and the modification of life
Xenophobia in seventeenth-century India
Cultivating trust : how do public policies become trusted