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Institutional sources of legitimacy in multistakeholder global governance at ICANN
Status-quo enhancing versus status-quo challenging change in global economic governance
Neoliberalism and state formation in Iran
Towards effective conservation and governance of Pontocaspian biodiversity in the Black Sea region
Review of Kálnoky, N. (2020) The Szekler Nation and Medieval Hungary: Politics, Law and Identity on the Frontier
Social dimensions of crane and wetland conservation in African rural landscapes
Trade, tax, and development finance
When do states give voting rights to non-citizens?
Does democracy help Africa? : an inquiry into multiparty democracy, political settlement, and economic development in Africa
Management of small-scale fisheries in developing countries : The case of Elephant Marsh in Malawi
Bridging the gap between bird conservation and sustainable development : perceptions and participation of rural people in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region
Achieving party unity : a sequential approach to why MPs act in concert
Societal determinants of corporate social disclosures : an international comparative study
Political organization in multi-level settings : Mexican and Latin American parties and party systems after decentralization
Met recht en rekenschap : de ambtenaren bij het Hof van Holland en de Haagse Rekenkamer in de Habsburgse Tijd (1483-1558)
Leadership and Institutional Reform in Consensual Democracies: Dutch and Swedish Defence Organizations after the Cold War
Beleid, cultuur en instituties: Het verhaal van twee steden