Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Unravelling the mystery of migraine and cluster headache
Potent dual MAGL/FAAH inhibitor AKU-005 engages endocannabinoids to diminish meningeal nociception implicated in migraine pain
Whole exome sequencing of hemiplegic migraine patients shows an increased burden of missense variants in CACNA1H and CACNA1I genes
Alterations in metabolic flux in migraine and the translational relevance
The exciting migraine brain
Guidelines of the International Headache Society for Clinic-Based Headache Registries, 1(st) edition
Migraine biochemistry and visual snow
Clinical symptoms of androgen deficiency in men with migraine or cluster headache
Time lost due to an attack
Pain perception in women with menstrually-related migraine
Intradural artery dilation during experimentally induced migraine attacks
Cluster headache: Clinical aspects and therapy with neurostimulation
The onset of the migraine attack
Migraine as text – text as migraine: Diagnosis and literature
Effect of exogenous estrogens and progestogens on the course of migraine during reproductive age: a consensus statement by the European Headache Federation (EHF) and the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESCRH)
Relations between psychosocial job characteristics and work ability in employees with chronic headaches
Headache under simulated microgravity is related to endocrine, fluid distribution, and tight junction changes
Association of acetazolamide infusion with headache and cranial artery dilation in healthy volunteers
Behavioral evidence for photophobia and stress-related ipsilateral head pain in transgenic Cacna1a mutant mice
Headache and Epilepsy
Well-being and headache in adolescence : A self-regulation perspective
Trigger factors and mechanisms in migraine
Chronic frequent headache in the general population
A Markov approach to characterizing the PK-PD relationship of anti-migraine drugs