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The genome of the water strider Gerris buenoi reveals expansions of gene repertoires associated with adaptations to life on the water
The evolving epidemic of Clostridium difficile 630
Balsaminaceae in Southeast Asia: systematics, evolution, and pollination biology
Introduction: The Evolution of Diplomacy
Endless forms most beautiful: the evolution of ophidian oral glands, including the venom system, and the use of appropriate terminology for homologous structures
Facets of radio-loud AGN evolution : a LOFAR surveys perspective
The trichodysplasia spinulosa-associated polyomavirus : infection, pathogenesis, evolution and adaptation
The evolution of ageing : concepts, causation and calculus
Diplomatic negotiation : essence and evolution
Reconstructing a Hopeful Theology in the Context of Evolutionary Ethics
Islands in the sky : species diversity, evolutionary history, and patterns of endemism of the Pantepui Herpetofauna
On the production and perception of syntactical regularities in zebra finches : experimenting with ABBA, ACDC and others
The age of Aceh and the evolution of kingship 1599-1641
Interaction and evolutionary algorithms
Innate immune response and regulation of human life-histories under adverse conditions
When Grandmothers Matter
Developmental regulation and evolution of cAMP signalling in Dictyostelium
God van vooruitgang : de popularisering van het modern-theologische gedachtegoed in Nederland (1857-1880)
Targeting environmental and genetic aspects affecting life history traits
Sexual selection and speciation: mechanisms in Lake Victoria cichlid fish
Rodent malaria parasites : genome organization & comparative genomics
Biology, ecology and evolution of the family Gigasporaceae, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota)
Swift as sound. Design and evolution of the echolocation system in Swiftlets (Apodidae: Collocaliini)
Molecular phylogenetic history of eastern Mediterranean Alopiinae, a group of morphologically indeterminate land snails
