Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The effects of increased dopamine-levels on attentional control during reading and reading comprehension
Stress-induced plasticity and functioning of ventral tegmental dopamine neurons
Attentional blink and putative noninvasive dopamine markers: Two experiments to consolidate possible associations
Neuromodulation of cognitive-behavioral control
A Reward-Based Framework of Perceived Control
Multi-biomarker pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of central nervous systems active dopaminergic drugs
Catecholamine function, brain state dynamics, and human cognition
L-Tyrosine administration modulates the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on working memory in healthy humans
Thinking high : the impact of cannabis on human cognition
Effects of dexamphetamine-induced dopamine release on resting-state network connectivity in recreational amphetamine users and healthy controls
Loss of dopamine disrupts circadian rhythms in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease
Neuropharmacology of novel dopamine modulators
Differential and distributed effects of dopamine neuromodulations on resting-state network connectivity
Nurturing nature : testing the three-hit hypothesis of schizophrenia
Neural and cognitive mechanisms of creativity
The embarrassed brain : towards a neurobiology of generalized socal anxiety disorder
Cognitive control and binding in context-based decision-making : normal and dopamine deviant populations
Vulnerability to cocaine: role of stress hormones