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Impact of pain and neuropsychiatric symptoms on activities in nursing home residents (COSMOS trial)
Plasma trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO)
The effect of paracetamol on care dependency and daily functioning in persons with advanced dementia living in long-term care facilities
Cardiometabolic determinants of cognitive function in later life
What are best practices for involving family caregivers in interventions aimed at responsive behaviour stemming from unmet needs of people with dementia in nursing homes
Interventions that may increase control at the end of life in persons with dementia
Quality of life, care dependency and Paracetamol In advanced Dementia
In search of epistemic justice. Dialogical reflection of researchers on situated ethics in studies with people living with language and/or cognitive impairment
Exploring the possible causal effects of cardiac blood biomarkers in dementia and cognitive performance
Proxy decision-making for clinical research in nursing home residents with dementia
Motivations of patients and their care partners for visiting a memory clinic
Neurovascular imaging markers of brain aging
Implementing palliative care teams specialized in dementia in two countries
Dementia in metaphors
Factors associated with formal and informal resource utilization in nursing home patients with and without dementia
A family carer decision support intervention for people with advanced dementia residing in a nursing home
Cross-cultural conceptualization of a good end of life with dementia
Guidance for family about comfort care in dementia
Pain and its consequences in dementia
The perceptions, needs and preferences of informal caregivers of nursing home residents with dementia regarding physical therapy
Maintaining meaningful activities for persons with dementia during transitions of care
Vitamin D
Evaluation of High Cholesterol and Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults Using Individual Patient Meta-Analysis
The effect of ultraviolet irradiation compared to oral vitamin D supplementation on blood pressure of nursing home residents with dementia
