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High-resolution SOFIA/EXES Spectroscopy of Water Absorption Lines in the Massive Young Binary W3 IRS 5
Unveiling the formation of the massive DR21 ridge
An updated dust-to-star geometry
Does the HCN/CO ratio trace the star-forming fraction of gas?
The mass accretion rate and stellar properties in class I protostars
The roles of morphology and environment on the star formation rate-stellar mass relation in COSMOS from 0 < z < 3.5
Finding substructures in protostellar disks in ophiuchus
FAUST. VII. Detection of a hot corino in the prototypical warm Carbon-chain chemistry source IRAS 15398-3359
Spectroscopic confirmation of a population of isolated, intermediate-mass Young Stellar Objects
The kinematics and excitation of infrared water vapor emission from planet-forming disks
VERTICO. VII. Environmental Quenching Caused by the Suppression of Molecular Gas Content and Star Formation Efficiency in Virgo Cluster Galaxies
MIDIS: strong (H-beta+[O III]) and H-alpha emitters at redshift z ≃ 7-8 unveiled with JWST NIRCam and MIRI imaging in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field
An ultradeep multiband very large array survey of the faint radio sky (COSMOS-XS)
LoTSS Jellyfish Galaxies. IV. Enhanced star formation on the leading half of cluster galaxies and gas compression in IC3949
Infrared H2O absorption in massive protostars at high spectral resolution
High-resolution M-band spectroscopy of CO toward the massive young stellar binary W3 IRS 5
Gap opening and inner disk structure in the strongly accreting transition disk of DM Tau
A new census of the 0.2 < z < 3.0 universe. II. The star-forming sequence
CORINOS. I. JWST/MIRI spectroscopy and imaging of a class 0 protostar IRAS 15398-3359
Ice Age
Finite-resolution deconvolution of multiwavelength imaging of 20,000 galaxies in the COSMOS field
EMPRESS. IV. Extremely metal-poor galaxies including very low-mass primordial systems with M* = 10^4-10^5 M and 2%-3% (O/H)
Tracing Interstellar heating
Structure of the source I disk in Orion-KL
