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“Alleluia alleluia don’t give you money”. Luoghi e dinamiche di lavoro dentro e fuori le imprese di costruzione statali cinesi in Ghana
Review of Johannesson, N.; Cooper, A. (2023) The Ormulum
A suction blister model to characterize epidermal wound healing and evaluate the efficacy of the topical wound healing agent INM-755 in healthy volunteers
A Petit Bourgeois urban social movement?
Online digital health and informatics education for undergraduate nursing students in China
Highly reversible ambipolar photocurrents by modulating Ta in Ba2Bi2–xTaxO6 double perovskites
Molecularly engineered supramolecular thermoresponsive hydrogels with tunable mechanical and dynamic properties
The varying levels of contrasting adaptation in Central Asia’s climate change politics
Place-based knowledge transfer in a local-to-global and knowledge-to-action context
International relations in public health
The environmental benefits and burdens of RFID systems in Li-ion battery supply chains
Grave matters
Association between bilirubin and biomarkers of metabolic health and oxidative stress in the MARK-AGE cohort
T1 colorectal cancer patients' perspective on information provision and therapeutic decision-making after local resection
Information structure in Makhuwa
Substantial increase in China’s manufactured sand supply since 2010
The moral characteristics of environmental sustainability in young people's lives
The phase behavior of skin-barrier lipids
Chemosensory systems interact to shape relevant traits for bacterial plant pathogenesis
Decolonizing Cameroon’s language policies
The role of sub-national actors in coordinative Europeanisation
Nature portrayed in images in Dutch Brazil
Red-to-blue triplet
