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Het Indo-Europese landschap
Word order, information structure and agreement in Teke-Kukuya
Platinum surface instabilities and their impact in electrochemistry
Advancements of interventional oncology treatments for early stage hepatocellular carcinoma
European-wide ecosystem responses and their vulnerability to intensive drought
Nocebo hyperalgesia and pain progression
A solid start for the Dutch first thousand days-approach
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of plant functional traits on global scales
Tunen syntax and information structure
Hybrid Josephson junctions and their qubit applications
These kind of words
Beyond the cloudiness in urinary tract infection
The glycocalyx
Smart courts, smart justice?
Informing the public about chemical mixtures in the local environment: Currently applied indicators in the Netherlands and ways forward
A reference standard for urinary tract infection research
Twisting the theory on the origin of human umbilical cord coiling featuring monozygotic twins
Physical activity and fiber intake beneficial for muscle mass and strength preservation during aging
Rabies knowledge gaps and risk behaviour in Dutch travellers
The added value of blood glucose monitoring in high-risk individuals undergoing pancreatic cancer surveillance
Economic viability requires higher recycling rates for imported plastic waste than expected
CTG 10 juli 2024, C2023/2242, ECLI:NL:TGZCTG:2024:126, GZR 2024/199, m.nt. A.C. Hendriks
Machine learning versus Cox models for predicting overall survival in patients with osteosarcoma
Best practices of modeling complex materials in electrocatalysis, exemplified by oxygen evolution reaction on pentlandites
