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Glucocorticoids mediate stress-induced impairment of retrieval of stimulus-response memory
Glucocorticoid signature in a neuronal genomic context
Glucocorticoids mediate stress-induced impairment of retrieval of stimulus-response memory
Circadian and ultradian glucocorticoid rhythmicity: Implications for the effects of glucocorticoids on neural stem cells and adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Circadian timekeeping: from basic clock function to implications for health
Pituitary hormone secretion in familial longevity : The Switchbox Study
Immobility in the forced swim test is adaptive and does not reflect depression
Pre-deployment differences in glucocorticoid sensitivity of leukocytes in soldiers developing symptoms of PTSD, depression or fatigue persist after return from military deployment
The stress connection: Neuroimaging studies of emotion circuits in social stress, personality, and stress-related psychopathology
Corticosteroid receptor dynamics : analysis by advanced fluorescence microscopy
Targeting the brain under stress : selective glucocorticoid receptor modulation
The role of BDNF in depression : will the neurothrophin hypothesis sparkle on, long after the glitter of the firework is gone?
Paradoxical mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated effect in fear memory encoding and expression of rats submitted to an olfactory fear conditioning task
Childhood emotional maltreatment : impact on cognition and the brain
Evening salivary alpha-amylase, major depressive disorder, and antidepressant use in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA)
Stress and estrous cycle affect strategy but not performance of female C57BL/6J mice
The effect of tryptophan on the cortisol response to social stress is modulated by the 5-HTTLPR genotype
Acute effects of neonatal dexamethasone treatment on proliferation and astrocyte immunoreactivity in hippocampus and corpus callosum: Towards a rescue strategy
