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Het mooiste meisje aan boord (1894) van Henriëtte Wilhelmina Beijerinck
Mining and environmental protection in Indonesia
Urbanization in Indonesia and its impact on non-communicable diseases
The road to drain or gain
Het mooiste meisje aan boord
Asylum and refugee law in Indonesia
Articulating postcolonial memory through the negotiation of legalities
The essence of the 1999-2002 constitutional reform in Indonesia
Review of Missbach, A. (2022) The criminalisation of people smuggling in Indonesia and Australia: Asylum out of reach
Melewati Batas
Comparing religious intolerance in Indonesia by affiliations to Muslim organizations
De zeereis als kweekvijver van Indonesisch nationalisme (1850-1940)
Perjalanan laut sebagai tempat penempaan nasionalisme Indonesia (1850-1940)
Postcolonial memory in the Netherlands
Empire's violent end
