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Initiating advance care planning on end-of-life issues in dementia: Ambiguity among UK and Dutch physicians
Improving comfort in people with dementia and pneumonia: a cluster randomized trial
Association between pain, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and physical function in dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Gray matter contamination in arterial spin labeling white matter perfusion measurements in patients with dementia
The Dutch Parelsnoer Institute - Neurodegenerative diseases; methods, design and baseline results
Predictors of dementia in Parkinson's disease; findings from a 5-year prospective study using the SCOPA-COG
Symptoms and treatment when death is expected in dementia patients in long-term care facilities
Relation between caffeine and behavioral symptoms in elderly patients with dementia: An observational study
On aging and dementia  : a neuroimaging study
Interventions targeting pain or behaviour in dementia: A systematic review
Feedback on end-of-life care in dementia: the study protocol of the FOLlow-up project
Psychometric properties of instruments to measure the quality of end-of-life care and dying for long-term care residents with dementia
Imaging the default mode network in aging and dementia
Ventral striatal volume is associated with cognitive decline in older people: a population based MR-study
Validity, reliability, and feasibility of a quality of life questionnaire for people with dementia
Determinants of cognitive function in old age
