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Constitutional Rights and Technologies in the Netherlands
Residual cognitive impairments in remitted depressed patients.
Sport als substituut voor religie in Nederland?
Jews & Others in Iraq
Three Pillars of Contract Law
Islamic Feminism & Gender Equality
De chaostheorie en de rechtsgeleerdheid
Paisajes sagrados: códices y arqueología de Ñuu Dzaui.
Charge dynamics of doped holes in high Tc cuprate superconductors: A clue from optical conductivity
A modification of the commercial ESR900 cryostat to enable three-dimensional Electron Paramagnetic Resonance studies of crystals
Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms
Civil service reform in post-communist countries : the case of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic
Filicide – A Comparative Study of Maternal versus Paternal Child Homicide
Towards new models
Met geweer en glimlach. De oorsprong van moderne counterinsurgency
Emotion regulation as mediator of treatment outcome in therapy for deliberate self-harm.
Block copolymers confined in a nanopore: Pathfinding in a curving and frustrating flatland
