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Systemic inflammatory markers in relation to cognitive function and measures of brain atrophy
Antigens from the parasitic nematode Trichuris suis induce metabolic reprogramming and trained immunity to constrain inflammatory responses in macrophages
MRI lesions of the spine in patients with axial spondyloarthritis
Neuroimmune guidance cues in vascular (patho)physiology
Microbiota-dependent TLR2 signaling reduces silver nanoparticle toxicity to zebrafish larvae
Chromosome 3 and 8q aberrations in uveal melanoma show greater impact on survival in patients with light Iris versus dark iris color
Associations of three major physiological stress systems with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in patients with a depressive and/or anxiety disorder
Different circulating biomarkers in women and men with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy (DW-MRS) is sensitive to LPS-induced changes in human glial morphometry
The Role of Kynurenines in Cognitive Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder
Inhibition of microRNA-494-3p activates Wntsignaling and reduces proinflammatorymacrophage polarization in atherosclerosis
The role of inflammation in sciatica
Basal and LPS-stimulated inflammatory markers and the course of anxiety symptoms
The association between plasma tryptophan catabolites and depression
Study protocol: effect of infection, Modic and inflammation on clinical outcomes in surgery for radiculopathy (EIMICOR)
Regulation of inflammation in uveal melanoma
Growth of unruptured aneurysms
Inhibition of the prolyl isomerase Pin1 improves endothelial function and attenuates vascular remodelling in pulmonary hypertension by inhibiting TGF-beta signalling
The effects of single and a combination of determinants of anaemia in the very old
Neoadjuvant treatment with angiogenesis-inhibitor dovitinib prior to local therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma
