Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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User experience of wearing comfort of reusable versus disposable surgical gowns and environmental perspectives
Development and validation of an eating-related eco-concern questionnaire
Education for Resilience: How a Combination of Systemic and Bottom-Up Changes in Educational Services Can Empower Dryland Communities in Africa and Central Asia
The Human Rights Committee, Environmental Protection and the Right to Life
Opportunity for a Dietary Win-Win-Win in Nutrition, Environment, and Animal Welfare
Scientists’ Warning on Climate Change and Medicinal Plants
Governing Marine Protected Areas in a Changing Climate: Private Stakeholders’ Perspectives
Play by the rules? : coordination of EU sustainable development policies and the importance of the politico-legal context
Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties’ climate policy preferences
Long-term warming alters richness and composition of taxonomic and functional groups of arctic fungi
Long-term experimental warming alters community composition of ascomycetes in Alaskan moist and dry arctic tundra
Global warning: an ethnography of the encounter between global and local climate-change discourses in the Bamenda Grassfields, Cameroon
Climate change and climatic variability in West Africa
Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali: the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared
The importance of socio-cultural differences and of pathway analysis for understanding local actors' responses
Towards local management of natural resources in Senegal