Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Measuring social exclusion in routine public health surveys
The cumulation of ill health and low agency in socially excluded city dwellers in the Netherlands
Social exclusion: put into context
Heritability of neural reactions to social exclusion and prosocial compensation in middle childhood
Social Exclusion Index-for Health Surveys (SEI-HS): a prospective nationwide study to extend and validate a multidimensional social exclusion questionnaire
Entre el pago y el mérito : admisión estudiantil e inclusión social en las universidades Chilenas
Acceptance, rejection, and the social brain in adolescence : toward a neuroscience of peer relations
Toward a neuroscience of parenting : adult attachment and oxytocin affect neural and behavioral responses to infant attachment signals
Social exclusion and punishment of excluders: Neural correlates and developmental trajectories
Gender, marriage and migration : contemporary marriages between mainland China and Taiwan