Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Just to be sure?
Civilian violent mobilization and the intensity of civil war in Mozambique
De intergenerationele overdracht van extreme gedachtensystemen
Inconsistent projections
Torture, truth and national security in Seneca's Troades
Antidemocratische bewegingen in de Nederlandse democratie
Toy story or children story?
Security, civilisation and modernisation:
Political discourses and the securitization of democracy in post-1991 Ethiopia
Toward an aesthetics by algorithms: Palestinian cyber and digital spaces at the threshold of (in)visibility
Are returning foreign fighters future terrorists?
The new mobilities paradigm and critical security studies: exploring common ground
Measures against Jihadist Foreign Fighters: A policy comparison between the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, the UK and the US (2010 to 2017)
Eclipsed by Russia: Trump's First 100 Days
From security to attachment: Mary Ainsworth's contribution to attachment theory
Causes, rationales and dynamics : exploring the strategic security partnership between the European Union and Africa
Siam and the League of Nations : modernization, sovereignty, and multilateral diplomacy, 1920-1940
Vormen van accessoriëteit, een romanistische studie over het verschijnsel accessoriëteit bij het goederenrechtelijke zekerheidsrecht.