Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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PEARLS: JWST counterparts of Microjansky radio sources in the time domain field
CO survey of high-z radio galaxies, revisited with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array: jet-cloud alignments and synchrotron brightening by molecular gas in the circumgalactic environment
On the encounter between the GASP galaxy JO36 and the radio plume of GIN 049
High-resolution, high-sensitivity, low-frequency uGMRT view of coma cluster of galaxies
The spiderweb protocluster is being magnetized by its central radio jet
X-ray emission from the jets and lobes of the spiderweb
From star-formation to recombination: expanding our view of the radio recombination line universe
VLA resolves unexpected radio structures in the Perseus Cluster of galaxies
A sharp view on the low-frequency radio sky
Gas, dust, and star formation in distant radio galaxies