Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Probing the jet-torus interaction in the radio galaxy NGC 1052 by Sulfur-bearing molecules
An extended Lyman α outflow from a radio galaxy at z = 3.7?
PEARLS: JWST counterparts of Microjansky radio sources in the time domain field
On the encounter between the GASP galaxy JO36 and the radio plume of GIN 049
The spiderweb protocluster is being magnetized by its central radio jet
X-ray emission from the jets and lobes of the spiderweb
From star-formation to recombination: expanding our view of the radio recombination line universe
VLA resolves unexpected radio structures in the Perseus Cluster of galaxies
Polarimetric properties of Event Horizon Telescope targets from ALMA
A sharp view on the low-frequency radio sky
Gas, dust, and star formation in distant radio galaxies