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  • (-) = Protoplanetary disks
  • (-) ≠ Dominik, C.

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Unveiling the third dimension
Turtles all the way down
Freezing conditions in warm disks
Mining the kinematics of discs to hunt for planets in formation
SO and SiS emission tracing an embedded planet and compact 12CO and 13CO counterparts in the HD 169142 disk
MINDS. The detection of ^13CO_2 with JWST-MIRI indicates abundant CO_2 in a protoplanetary disk
JWST detects neon line variability in a protoplanetary disk
How large Is a disk-what do protoplanetary disk gas sizes really mean?
MAPS: constraining serendipitous time variability in protoplanetary disk molecular ion emission
Centimeter-sized grains in the compact dust ring around very-low-mass Star CIDA 1
The M^dot - M_disk relationship for Herbig Ae/Be stars
Tracing snowlines and C/O ratio in a planet-hosting disk
Sulphur monoxide emission tracing an embedded planet in the HD 100546 protoplanetary disk
The Disc Miner
Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Diverse outcomes of binary-disk interactions
The edge-on protoplanetary disk HH 48 NE
The edge-on protoplanetary disk HH 48 NE
Disk evolution study through imaging of nearby young stars (DESTINYS): characterization of the young star T CrA and its circumstellar environment
Spatially resolving polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Herbig Ae disks with VISIR-NEAR at the VLT
The kinematics and excitation of infrared water vapor emission from planet-forming disks
