Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Cataloog van Spaanse wreedheid
Romeinse propaganda
Secret Intelligence and public diplomacy in the Ukraine War
Een schouwtoneel van schavotten
Propaganda: een modern begrip voor antieke praktijken
Propaganda in de Grieks-Romeinse oudheid
Grondrechten voor de vijand
Staatspropaganda en uitingsvrijheid
The importance of conspiracy theory in extremist ideology and propaganda
Africa: disputed political propaganda on postage stamps
Bill and Ed’s big adventure
Propaganda Art from the 20th to the 21st Century
Ich übergebe der Flamme die Schriften…' The symbolism in the burning of books by students in Berlin 1933
Venite et Videte: Art and Architecture in Brussels as Agents of Change during the Counter Reformation, c. 1609-1659
Power and participatory politics in the digital age : probing the use of new media technologies in railroading political changes in Zimbabwe
The Royalist Republic : literature, politics and religion in the Anglo-Dutch public sphere, 1639-1660