Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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CHECK’D?! : determinants of participation in a two-stage cardiometabolic screening among underserved groups
The child in ICC proceedings
Comic strips help children understand medical research Targeting the informed consent procedure to children's needs
Comprehensive measurement of long-term outcomes and costs of rehabilitation in patients with stroke
Construcción democrática, participación ciudadana y políticas públicas en Chile
Consultatie bij fiscale wetgeving
Fatigue, physical activity and participation in adolescents and young adults with acquired brain injury
Flemish population-based cancer screening programs
Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with Parkinson's disease A systematic review based on the ICF model
Impact of visuospatial neglect post-stroke on daily activities, participation and informal caregiver burden: a systematic review
Making the invisible visible : the position of indigenous women in Mexico. A general overview of the challenges ahead
Neonatal brachial plexus palsy : impact throughout the lifespan
Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support: Understanding low participation of ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status families in the Netherlands
Participation of children and youth with acquired brain injury
Perspectives on cancer screening participation in a highly urbanized region
Pleegrechten voor kinderen: Een onderzoek naar het realiseren van de rechten van kinderen die in het kader van een ondertoezichtstelling in een pleeggezin zijn geplaatst
Power and participatory politics in the digital age : probing the use of new media technologies in railroading political changes in Zimbabwe
Ruimte voor beleving : installatiekunst en toeschouwerschap
Taking place
What do people want in a smart city? Exploring the stakeholders’ opinions, priorities and perceived barriers in a medium-sized city in the United States
