Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Non-linear astrochemical kinetics
Physical properties of accretion shocks toward the Class I protostellar system Oph-IRS 44
Integrative taxonomy of araneomorph spiders: Breathing new life into an old science
Formation of complex organic molecules in molecular clouds
The TOPGöt high-mass star-forming sample
ALCHEMI, an ALMA comprehensive high-resolution extragalactic molecular inventory
Chemically tracing the water snowline in protoplanetary disks with HCO+
Kinetic temperature of massive star-forming molecular clumps measured with formaldehyde
HCN/HNC chemistry in shocks
On the formation of deuterated methyl formate in hot corinos
Erratum: ambipolar diffusion and the molecular abundances in pre-stellar cores
The formation of complex organic molecules in dense clouds : sweet results from the laboratory
Shining Light on PAHs in Space
Paving the path between low- and high-mass star formation : dynamics probed by Herschel far-infrared spectroscopy