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Thuis in Afrika, een dubbelleven
De rite is rond: betekenis en boodschap van het ongewone
The making of an environment: ecological history of the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and North-Eastern Nigeria
Magie, mensenstreken
Kapsiki beer dynamics
Why a twin is not a child: symbols in Kapsiki birth rituals
A granary in the earth: dynamics of mortuary rituals among the Kapsiki/Higi
Harmony vs. autonomy: models of agricutural fertility among the Dogon and the Kapsiki
Individu en gemeenschap. Trends in de ontwikkeling van het Kapsikihuis
The Kapsiki of the Mandara Hills
Kindersterfte en huwelijksmobiliteit, de Kapsiki van Noord-Kameroen
L'état ce n'est pas nous!: cultural proletarization in Cameroon
The ideology of building, the interpretation of compound patterns among the Kapsiki of North Cameroon
Les Kapsiki
Bierbrouwers in de bergen: De Kapsiki en Higi van Noord-Kameroen en Noord-Oost Nigeria
Color terms in Kapsiki
Anthropological research among the Kapsiki and Higi of Northern Cameroon and North-East Nigeria