Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Serum tryptophan metabolites are associated with erosive hand osteoarthritis and pain
Inflammation as a target for treatment in hand osteoarthritis
Effusion attenuates the effect of synovitis on radiographic progression in patients with hand osteoarthritis
In finger osteoarthritis, change in synovitis is associated with change in pain on a joint-level; a longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study
Assessment of osteoarthritic features in the thumb base with the newly developed OMERACT magnetic resonance imaging scoring system is a valid addition to standard radiography
In thumb base osteoarthritis structural damage is more strongly associated with pain than synovitis
Reference curves for the Australian/Canadian Hand Osteoarthritis Index in the middle-aged Dutch population
Sensitivity-to-change and validity of semi-automatic joint space width measurements in hand osteoarthritis: a follow-up study
OARSI Clinical Trials Recommendations: Design and conduct of clinical trials for hand osteoarthritis
OARSI Clinical Trials Recommendations: Hand imaging in clinical trials in osteoarthritis
The prevalence of erosive osteoarthritis in carpometacarpal joints and its clinical burden in symptomatic community-dwelling adults
Clinical aspects of hand osteoarthritis : are erosions of importance?
On how obesity links with osteoarthritis
Validity of joint space width measurements in hand osteoarthritis