Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Disrupting the transcriptional machinery to combat triple-negative breast cancer
Cancer chess
Maximizing the potency of oxaliplatin coated nanoparticles with folic acid for modulating tumor progression in colorectal cancer
FRET biosensor-based kinase inhibitor screen for ERK and AKT activity reveals differential kinase dependencies for proliferation in TNBC cells
Nelfinavir interacts with mitochondrial VDACs and disrupts oxidative phosphorylation in proteasome inhibitor resistant myeloma
Uncovering vulnerabilities in triple-negative breast cancer
Multi-targeted kinase inhibition alleviates mTOR inhibitor resistance in triple-negative breast cancer
Targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer
Using insertional mutagenesis to identify breast cancer drivers and therapy resistance genes in mice = Insertie mutagenese voor het identificeren van genen betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van borsttumoren en therapie resistentie in muizen
Proteasome inhibition and mechanism of resistance to a synthetic, library-based hexapeptide
Old drugs, novel ways out: Drug resistance toward cytotoxic chemotherapeutics
The novel beta 2-selective proteasome inhibitor LU-102 decreases phosphorylation of I kappa B and induces highly synergistic cytotoxicity in combination with ibrutinib in multiple myeloma cells
Enhancement of host defense against pathogens by antimicrobial peptides : a new approach to combat microbial drug resistance
Infection control in Indonesian Hospitals