Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Petitions, propaganda, and plots
The diplomatic elite, the people at home and democratic renewal
Scions of Turan
The Treaty of Nîmes (1704)
The heirs of Vijayanagara
Microphone revolution
Internationalism, diplomacy and the revolutionary origins of the Middle East's ‘Northern Tier’
UN celebrity diplomacy in China: activism, symbolism and national ambition online
The (im)possibilities of addressing election interference and the public core of the internet in the UN GGE and OEWG
Between publicity and discretion: the international federation of league of nations societies
Governing cyberspace: behavior, power, and diplomacy
Introduction: The Evolution of Diplomacy
Reframing the Diplomat: Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic Community
Eleanor Roosevelt and diplomacy in the public interest
Gevoelige relatie: Indonesië
Indonesia calling
Principled pragmatism : VOC Interaction with Makassar 1637-68, and the nature of company diplomacy
Diplomatic negotiation : essence and evolution