Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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De belastingbetaler bedanken. KCPEG onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van de Belastingdienst
Instrumental and normative pathways to compliance
Governance and dispute settlement in the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol
Nationwide compliance with a multidisciplinary guideline on pancreatic cancer during 6-year follow-up
Harnessing Public Institutions for Labour Law Enforcement. Embedding a Transnational Labour Inspectorate within the ILO
Furthering the fight against impunity in Latin America: the contributions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to domestic accountability processes
Does euroscepticism influence compliance and enforcement of EU law in the member states?
Assessment of dietary compliance in celiac children using a standardized dietary interview
Treatment decisions and the impact of adverse events before and during extended endocrine therapy in postmenopausal early breast cancer
From chasing violations to managing risks: origins, challenges and evolutions in regulatory inspections.
Compliance in oxygen saturation targeting in preterm infants: a systematic review
Magnetic resonance imaging of vessel wall morphology and function
Growing up together
MRI-assessed regional pulse wave velocity for predicting absence of regional aorta luminal growth in marfan syndrome
"Do as I say!" : parenting and the biology of child self-regulation
Morality from infancy to middle childhood
Better regulation in the European Union : lost in translation or full stream ahead? : the transposition of EU transport directives across member states
The politics of compliance : explaining the transposition of EC directives in the Netherlands
Regulating land and pollution in China : lawmaking, compliance, and enforcement : theory and cases