Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Polynomial invariant of molecular circuit topology
The effects of different rearing conditions on sexual maturation and maternal care in heterozygous mineralocorticoid receptor knockout mice.
Effects of maternal deprivation and complex housing on rat social behavior in adolescence and adulthood
The added value of rodent models in studying parental influence on offspring development: Opportunities, limitations and future perspectives
Mifepristone treatment during early adolescence fails to restore maternal deprivation-induced deficits in behavioral inhibition of adult male rats
Complex living conditions impair behavioral inhibition but improve attention in rats
Deletion of the forebrain mineralocorticoid receptor impairs social discrimination and decision-making in male, but not in female mice
Mifepristone treatment affects the response to repeated amphetamine injections, but does not attenuate the expression of sensitization
Asian tigers, African lions: comparing the development performance of Southeast Asia and Africa
Development of individual differences in stress responsiveness: an overview of factors mediating the outcome of early life experiences
Brain development under stress: Hypotheses of glucocorticoid actions revisited
Gene-environment interactions in early life and adulthood : implications for cocaine intake