Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Thyroid Status and Mortality Risk in Older Adults With Normal Thyrotropin: Sex Differences in the Milan Geriatrics 75+Cohort Study
Growth hormone secretion is diminished and tightly controlled in humans enriched for familial longevity
The 24-hour serum profiles of bone markers in healthy older men and women
Comparing Methods for Measurement Error Detection in Serial 24-h Hormonal Data
Familial longevity is not associated with Major Differences in the hypothalamic-Pituitary-gonadal axis in healthy Middle-aged Men
Growth hormone secretion is diminished and tightly controlled in humans enriched for familial longevity
Viewpoint on on the role of tissue maintenance in ageing: focus on biomarkers of bone, cartilage, muscle, and brain tissue maintenance
Within-person variation in serum thyrotropin concentration: main sources, potential underlying biological mechanisms, and clinical implications
Relationships between 24-hour LH and testosterone concentrations and with other pituitary hormones in healthy older men
Interrelationships between pituitary hormones as assessed from 24-hour serum concentrations in healthy older subjects
The endocrinology of familial longevity : time series analyses of different hormonal axes and their interrelationships
Incidence and determinants of spontaneous normalization of subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults
Thyroid status and mortality in nonagenarians from long-lived families and the general population
The association between continuous ambulatory heart rate, heart rate variability, and 24-h rhythms of heart rate with familial longevity and aging