Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Medical educators' beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge
From critic to inspirer: four profiles reveal the belief system and commitment to educational mission of medical academics
How do self-efficacy beliefs for academic writing and collaboration and intrinsic motivation for academic writing and research develop during an undergraduate research project?
How do self-efficacy beliefs for academic writing and collaboration and intrinsic motivation for academic writing and research develop during an undergraduate research project?
Fostering first-year student learning through research integration into teaching: Student perceptions, beliefs about the value of research and student achievement
Student learning outcomes, perceptions and beliefs in the context of strengthening research integration into the first year of medical education
Studeren als recht of voorrecht: wie is er gebaat bij selectie aan de poort?
Fostering first-year student learning through research integration into teaching: Student perceptions, beliefs about the value of research and student achievement.
Selecteren op geschiktheid voor het leraarsberoep: is het wenselijk om te selecteren aan de poort?
Relating academics' ways of integrating research and teaching to their students' perceptions
The ideal research-teaching nexus in the eyes of academics: Building profiles
The research-teaching nexus in the sciences : scientific research dispositions and teaching practice