Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Nocebo hyperalgesia in patients with fibromyalgia and healthy controls
Beam filtration for object-tailored X-ray CT of multi-material cultural heritage objects
Patients' and health care providers' perspectives on quality of hemophilia care in the Netherlands
Susceptibility to nocebo hyperalgesia, dispositional optimism, and trait anxiety as predictors of nocebo hyperalgesia reduction
Susceptibility to nocebo hyperalgesia, dispositional optimism, and trait anxiety as predictors of nocebo hyperalgesia Reduction
Efficacy of open‐label counterconditioning for reducing nocebo effects on pressure pain
Efficacy of open-label counterconditioning for reducing nocebo effects on pressure pain
Nocebo hyperalgesia in patients with fibromyalgia and healthy controls
Counterconditioning as Treatment to Reduce Nocebo Effects in Persistent Physical Symptoms: Treatment Protocol and Study Design.
Counterconditioning as treatment to reduce nocebo effects in persistent physical symptoms
Verloren verworvenheden: De zelfmeldprocedure onder vigeur van de Wet USB
Visie op resocialisatie?
De eigen bijdrage aan de kosten van het strafproces en de slachtofferzorg
BRCA1-Associated Breast Cancers Present Differently From BRCA2-Associated and Familial Cases: Long-Term Follow-Up of the Dutch MRISC Screening Study
Transformations for polyhedral process networks
Experimentally induced liver metastases from colorectal cancer can be prevented by mononuclear phagocyte-mediated monoclonal antibody therapy