Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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No association of the dopamine d4 receptor (drd4) and -521 c/t promoter polymorphisms with infant attachment disorganization.
Drie generaties holocaust: overdracht van traumatische ervaringen op kinderen en kleinkinderen?
Meta-analysis in reading research
Hechtingsstoornis. Reactieve hechtingsstoornis en gedesorganiseerde gehechtheid: op weg naar integratie.
De invloed van adoptie op IQ en schoolpresentaties. Een geslaagde interventie.
Empathie bij jonge kinderen: vrucht van opvoeding of genetische overdracht?
Adopted children's problem behavior is significantly related to their ego resiliency, ego control and sociometric status.
Maternal sensitivity and infant temperament in the formation of attachment.
Autism and attachment: A meta-analytic review
Differences in attachment security between African-American and white children: Ethnicity or socio-economic status?
Een geslaagde interventie. De invloed van adoptie op IQ en schoolprestaties.
Assessing Attachment Security With the attachment Q Sort: Meta-Analytic Evidence for the Validity of the Observer AQS
Haur-skolak ebaluatzearen arrazoiak.
The importance of shared environment in infant-father attachment: A behavioral genetic study of the attachment Q-sort.
Stability in center day care: Relations with children's well-being and problem behavior in day care.
Goodness-of-fit in center day care: relations of temperament, stability, and quality of care with the child's adjustment.
De kwaliteit van de Nederlandse kinderopvang