Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Genetic vulnerability or differential susceptibility in child development: The case of attachment.
Threat-related attentional bias in anxious and non-anxious individuals: A meta-analytic study.
Preventing preschool externalizing behaviour problems through video-feedback intervention in infancy.
The early childhood aggression curve: Development of physical aggression in 10- to 50 month-old children.
Effects of attachment-based interventions on maternal sensitivity and infant attachment: Differential susceptibility of highly reactive infants.
Terrible ones? Assessment of externalizing behaviors in infancy with the child behavior checklist.
Social development from infancy to adolescence: Longitudinal and concurrent factors in an adoption sample.
Protocollo dell'intervento con video-feedback e discusione.
Meno è megli: meta-analisi degli interventi precoci sulla sensibilità e sull'attaccamento.
Adoption is a successful natural intervention enhancing adopted children's IQ and school performance.
Adoption and Cognitive Development: A Meta-Analytic Comparison of Adopted and Nonadopted Children's IQ and School Performance.
Sensibilità materna e temperemento infantile nella formazione del legame di attaccamemto.
Promuovere lo sviluppo socio-emotivo dei bambini.
No association of the dopamine d4 receptor (drd4) and -521 c/t promoter polymorphisms with infant attachment disorganization.
Drie generaties holocaust: overdracht van traumatische ervaringen op kinderen en kleinkinderen?
Meta-analysis in reading research
