Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The course and predictors of health-related quality of life in living kidney donors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Body attention, ignorance and awareness scale: Assessing relevant concepts for physical and psychological functioning in psoriasis
What do we know about rheumatoid arthritis patients' support needs for self-management? A scoping review
Inducing expectations for health: Effects of verbal suggestion and imagery on pain, itch, and fatigue as indicators of physical sensitivity
Placebo effects on itch: a meta-analysis of clinical trials of patients with dermatological conditions
The psychological burden of skin diseases: a cross-sectional multicenter study among dermatological out-patients in 13 European countries
Body attention, ignorance and awareness scale: assessing relevant concepts for physical and psychological functioning in psoriasis
eHealth cognitieve gedragstherapie voor patiënten met chronische somatische aandoeningen