Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Scientific mobility, prestige and skill alignment in academic institutions
Studying the cognitive relatedness between topics in the global science landscape
WeChat uptake of chinese scholarly journals
Facing the volatility of tweets in altmetric research
Open Access uptake by universities worldwide
An extensive analysis of the presence of altmetric data for Web of Science publications across subject fields and research topics
Large-scale identification and characterization of scholars on Twitter
The stability of Twitter metrics: A study on unavailable Twitter mentions of scientific publications
Global country-level patterns of Mendeley readership performance compared to citation performance: does Mendeley provide a different picture on the impact of scientific publications across countries?
Towards a second generation of ‘social media metrics’
Studying the research funding structure of countries through the analysis of funding acknowledgments
Tweeting Library and Information Science: a socio-topical distance analysis
Studying the Velocity Index for various Altmetric.com data sources
Building ties across countries: International collaboration, field specialization, and global leadership
Exploring the relationship between research funding and social media: disciplinary analysis of the distribution of funding acknowledgements and Twitter mention in scientific publications
Unbundling Open Access dimensions: a conceptual discussion to reduce terminology inconsistencies
Challenges in the quality of social media data across altmetric data aggregators
Social media metrics for new research evaluation
