Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The Heibloem, a cemetery from the late bronze age and early iron age between Veldhoven and Steensel, prov. Noord-Brabant
X-ray spectra produced by thermal bremsstrahlung
Hydrogen connected with two stellar associations in Monoceros
Discussion of photo-electric five-colour observations of different types of pulsating variables
21-cm observations of two stellar associations in Monoceros (Abstract)
The escape of radiation from a semi-infinite non-conservative atmosphere
Linienbandkeramische bauten aus Hienheim, LDKR. Kelheim
Observations of some distant B-type stars in Ara
Possible Interpretations of the High-Velocity Clouds
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 6, no. 4
A short-period light-variation of RR Pictoris.
A tumulus and an urnfield at Meerlo, prov. Limburg
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 6, no. 2
Multi-periodicity in the light-variation of the RRs-type variable V703 Scorpii
Neutral Hydrogen with High Velocities at High Galactic Latitudes
Non-circular monuments in the southern Dutch urnfields
A late bronze age/early iron age urnfield at Goirle, prov. Noord-Brabant
Formation of molecular hydrogen in interstellar space
Kiezers op drift
