Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Audiovisual translation and media accessibility training in the EMT network
Cell and gene therapy workforce development
Resuscitators' opinions on using a respiratory function monitor during neonatal resuscitation
Paediatric and adult congenital cardiology education and training in Europe
Cost-effectiveness of dementia training for caregivers in caregiver-patient dyads
Effects of caregiver dementia training in caregiver-patient dyads on psychotropic drug prescription
Training, competence, and quality improvement in echocardiography the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging Recommendations: update 2020
Letter to Kawijara et al.: Letter in response to "Effects of caregiver dementia training in caregiver-patient dyads"
Caregiver dementia training in caregiver-patient dyads
Effects of caregiver dementia training incaregiver-patientdyads
Calculated Moves: Generating Air Combat Behaviour
Investigating the effect of a symposium on sexual health care in prostate cancer among Dutch healthcare professionals
Core Competencies in Echocardiography for Imaging Structural Heart Disease Interventions An Expert Consensus Statement
EACVI survey on multimodality training in ESC countries
Training in Basic Laparoscopic Surgical Skills: Residents Opinion of the New Nintendo Wii-U Laparoscopic Simulator
Impact of a Nationwide Training Program in Minimally Invasive Distal Pancreatectomy (LAELAPS)
Operator competence in fetoscopic laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome: validation of a procedure-specific evaluation tool
Simulator training in fetoscopic laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Design of a Box Trainer for Objective Assessment of Technical Skills in Single-port Surgery
Identification of essential steps in laser procedure for twin-twin transfusion syndrome using the Delphi methodology: SILICONE study
