We examined existing problems relevant for education in global drylands and discuss their potential solutions in four fields, crucial for properly functioning educational systems: (a) response to... Show moreWe examined existing problems relevant for education in global drylands and discuss their potential solutions in four fields, crucial for properly functioning educational systems: (a) response to low population densities, (b) governance, (c) language of instruction and (d) mismatch between education and the labour market. Our analysis leads us to the formulation of nine policy recommendations that may help create an educational system that strengthens resilience of dryland communities in the face of ongoing climate change. Our recommendations underline the necessity to combine systemic solutions with bottom-up ideas and extrinsic help coming from involvement of diaspora and non-governmental organizations. Show less
Leeuwen, M. van; Kobusingye, D.; Justin, P.H.; Djomo, R.T.; Dijk, J.W.M. van 2016
This paper argues that pastoral commons are under increasing pressure not just from overuse by pastoralists themselves, but from land management policies. Since colonial times, these have been... Show moreThis paper argues that pastoral commons are under increasing pressure not just from overuse by pastoralists themselves, but from land management policies. Since colonial times, these have been based on a persistent misconception of the nature of pastoral economies and combined with increasing land alienation and fragmentation through government policies and covert privatisation of pastures. The paper focuses especially on pastoral populations in African drylands and is based on long-term research by independent researchers summarising some of their experiences in western, eastern and southern Africa. Most of them are organised in the African Drylands Dialogue, trying to shed some light on the developments in these areas. Before discussing the actual situation of African pastoralists, the authors focus on basic institutional features of the political and economic management of common grazing lands. This is followed by an overview of land alienation processes in colonial times, which serves as a basis for understanding the current land alienation constellations. The paper then moves on to explain how and why pastoralists are framed by the national discourses as the 'other' and the 'troublemaker', even being labelled as terrorists in nation state contexts. This goes hand in hand with a new wave of land alienation in the form of large-scale land acquisitions or 'land grabbing' (including water grabbing and 'green grabbing' processes). The paper then outlines different coping and adaptation strategies adopted by pastoral groups in a context in which a range of different global and local political, economic and ecological situations interrelate ('glocal'). Finally, the paper discusses the way in which pastoralism could be reframed in a participatory way in the future Show less
Leeuwen, M. van; Kobusingye, D.; Justin, P.; Djomo, R.; Dijk, J.W.M. van 2016
L'immigration des éleveurs en milieu urbain est un phénomène récent au Bénin et a été peu documenté. Vu que l'élevage basé sur l'exploitation des ressources naturelles constitue la principale... Show moreL'immigration des éleveurs en milieu urbain est un phénomène récent au Bénin et a été peu documenté. Vu que l'élevage basé sur l'exploitation des ressources naturelles constitue la principale activité dont ils tirent l'essentiel de leur subsistance, on peut se demande comment parviennent-ils à survivre en ville? Cette thèse porte sur les changements intervenus dans le livelihoods des Fulbe résidant dans la petite, moyenne et grande ville. L'auteur démontre comment le marché de travail, la commercialisation de bétail et le commerce de divers influencent la trajectoire de livelihoods des Fulbe résidant en ville. - Théophile Djedjebi a étudié les sciences agronomiques, l'agriculture et développement. Pendant 16 ans, il était impliqué dans la Coopération Internationale entre l'Université du Bénin et les Universités néerlandaises et travaille comme consultant pour différentes organisations internationales dans le développement et le renforcement des capacités. Show less