Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The effect of thyroid hormone therapy on muscle function, strength and mass in older adults with subclinical hypothyroidism-an ancillary study within two randomized placebo controlled trials
Microvascular response to exercise varies along the length of the tibialis anterior muscle
In vivo T-1 and T-2 relaxation time maps of brain tissue, skeletal muscle, and lipid measured in healthy volunteers at 50 mT
A split-label design for simultaneous measurements of perfusion in distant slices by pulsed arterial spin labeling
Quantitative imaging in muscle diseases with focus on non-proton MRI and other advanced MRI techniques
A data-driven methodology reveals novel myofiber clusters in older human muscles
P-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy in skeletal muscle
Water-fat separation in spiral magnetic resonance fingerprinting for high temporal resolution tissue relaxation time quantification in muscle
Water-fat separation in spiral magnetic resonance fingerprinting for high temporal resolution tissue relaxation time quantification in muscle
Multi-center evaluation of stability and reproducibility of quantitative MRI measures in healthy calf muscles
Effect of acetazolamide and methazolamide on diaphragm and dorsiflexor fatigue: a randomized controlled trial
Improved olefinic fat suppression in skeletal muscle DTI using a magnitude-based dixon method
Improved olefinic fat suppression in skeletal muscle DTI using a magnitude-based dixon method
Low Urinary Creatinine Excretion Is Associated With Self-Reported Frailty in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease
The Pathogenesis and Therapy of Muscular Dystrophies
Quantitative proton MR techniques for measuring fat
Muscle Strength Rather Than Muscle Mass Is Associated With Standing Balance in Elderly Outpatients
Mild Muscular Features in Tenascin-X Knockout Mice, A Model of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome