Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Changes in health-related quality of life following surgery in patients with high-grade extremity soft-tissue sarcoma
Children with intestinal failure are at risk for psychopathology and trauma
Sex comparisons in the association of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes with cognitive function, depression, and quality of life
Impact of sociodemographic, premorbid, and injury-related factors on patient-reported outcome trajectories after traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Cost-effectiveness of internet interventions compared with treatment as usual for people with mental disorders
Therapist and operator experiences utilizing multi-modal motion-assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation (3MDR) for treatment of combat related posttraumatic stress disorder amongst military and veteran populations
Development and validation of an eating-related eco-concern questionnaire
The feasibility of using Apple's ResearchKit for recruitment and data collection
Longer-term impact of COVID-19 among individuals with self-reported eating disorders in the United States, the Netherlands, and Sweden
Quantitative changes in mental health measures with 3MDR treatment for Canadian military members and veterans
Clinical decision support methods for children and youths with mental health disorders in primary care
Bias discovery in machine learning models for mental health
Threats and Interventions on Wellbeing in Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands: A Scoping Review
Technology acceptance and usability of a virtual reality intervention for military members and veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
Food insecurity status is of added value in explaining poor health
Need for support among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic
Long-term risk for mental health symptoms in Dutch ISAF veterans
Long-term risk for mental health symptoms in Dutch ISAF veterans
Identification of child mental health problems by combining electronic health record information from different primary healthcare professionals
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics in child and youth mental health; comparison of routine outcome measurements of an Australian and Dutch outpatient cohort
