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Assessing the prominence of interest groups in parliament: a supervised machine learning approach
Interest Groups and the Election
‘De lobby’ aan banden? Over het ongelijk speelveld en de regulering van belangenvertegenwoordiging
Making Inference across Mobilisation and Influence Research: Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mapping of Interest Systems
Laying the Groundwork: Linking Internal Agenda-Setting Processes Of Interest Groups to Their Role in Policy Making
Cultural capital and the density of organised interests lobbying the European Parliament
Is the EU different? Comparing the diversity of national and EU-level systems of interest representation
Conceptualising the policy engagement of interest groups: Involvement, access and prominence
Assessing the Composition and Diversity of the Australian Interest Group System
Interest Organizations across economic sectors: explaining interest group density in the European Union
Regions lobbying the European Union: Organizational Forms, Policy Portfolios and Venue Selection