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Totum-070, a polyphenol-rich plant extract, prevents hypercholesterolemia in high-fat diet-fed hamsters by inhibiting intestinal cholesterol absorption
Fibrosis-related gene profiling in liver biopsies of PiZZ alpha 1-Antitrypsin Children with different clinical courses
Fibrosis-related gene profiling in liver biopsies of PiZZ α1-antitrypsin children with different clinical courses
Cargo-specific role for retriever subunit VPS26C in hepatocyte lipoprotein receptor recycling to control postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins
Hepatic glucocorticoid-induced transcriptional regulation is androgen-dependent after chronic but not acute glucocorticoid exposure
A hierarchical dynamic model used for investigating feed efficiency and its relationship with hepatic gene expression in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice
Association between hepatic triglyceride content and coagulation factors the Netherlands epidemiology of obesity study
Murine iNKT cells are depleted by liver damage via activation of P2RX7
Glucose availability but not changes in pancreatic hormones sensitizes hepatic AMPK activity during nutritional transition in rodents
Local but not systemic administration of mesenchymal stromal cells ameliorates fibrogenesis in regenerating livers
Characterization of Intestinal and Hepatic CYP3A-Mediated Metabolism of Midazolam in Children Using a Physiological Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling Approach
Diagnostic imaging of hepatic tuberculosis: case series
The COMMD Family Regulates Plasma LDL Levels and Attenuates Atherosclerosis Through Stabilizing the CCC Complex in Endosomal LDLR Trafficking
Lipopolysaccharide Lowers Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein by Activating F4/80(+)Clec4f(+)Vsig4(+)Ly6C(-) Kupffer Cell Subsets
Human Circulating and Tissue-Resident CD56(bright) Natural Killer Cell Populations
TGF-beta signalling and liver disease
A genetically attenuated malaria vaccine candidate based on P. falciparum b9/slarp gene-deficient sporozoites
Inhibition of the central melanocortin system decreases brown adipose tissue activity
Two Plasmodium 6-Cys family-related proteins have distinct and critical roles in liver-stage development
Sympathetic nervous system control of triglyceride metabolism: novel concepts derived from recent studies
